Private Coaching Sessions

for parents

Helping parents overcome common issues, like:


Parenting Challenges

Lack of Support


Emotional Regulation


Are you feeling defeated by the stress of parenting?

Are you seeking positive parenting techniques to use with your children?

Have you been struggling with feeling alone, overwhelmed, and in need of support?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, let me start by saying:

You’re not alone and I’m here to help.

As a fellow parent, I understand that sometimes the hardest thing to do is ask for help.

It can easily start to feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel and you don’t know how you’re going to make it through.

I’ve been there.

Parenting is a full time job filled with so many unknowns.

It’s also a job that requires community.

Private coaching sessions with Wisdom Blooming are the much needed hand of support that parenting calls for.

It’s an opportunity to be heard, gain insight, and learn about positive parenting techniques in a judgment free zone.

Experience the benefits of somatic integration, threshold growth and nervous system regulation.

If you could benefit from a partner in parenting, a coach to help you navigate challenging terrain, and a fellow parent who understands your struggle - join hands with me.

No one can do the work for you, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Click the button below to book your private coaching session today

“Every single day our family uses ideas, techniques, phrases that we learned from Lynette. We’re all better communicators – and we’re happier! – because of her work. I’m so grateful.”

-Logan, father of two